5.2. Receive and Pay Bills
5.2.4. Create a Customer Refund
5.2.3. Receive Vendor Credits
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5.2.4. Create a Customer Refund

Customer credits can be created from the main menu or from the icon in the Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills window.

Image CustomerRefundMenu.JPG

The Customer Refund icon also appears in the Receive & Pay Bills icon list.

Image CustomerRefundIcon.JPG

Both options will open the Create a New Customer Refund window.

Image CustomerRefundInput.JPG

Field Description
Customer Enter the customer name to whom the refund is to be made. After entering the first few characters, any matches in your customer data base will be presented in a drop down selection box. Click on the entry in the selection box
Original Invoice No Enter the first few characters/digits of the invoice number for which the refund is being generated. Any invoice numbers that match the characters you've entered will be displayed with the invoice amounts. Click on the invoice in the selection box
Refund Amount Enter the amount of the refund
Refund Date Enter the date you are creating the refund. The default is today's date
Due Date Enter the date by which you want to pay the refund. This is the due date that will appear on the refund in the Receive & Pay Bills window
Notes Enter any notes you deem necessary for information about this refund
Total Expenses Enter the account name or number of the account or click on the drop down arrow to select your account from the list presented
Amount The Amount field will automatically populate from the Refund Amount field. This field can be changed to distribute the amount between multiple accounts
[add more lines] If you need to enter more accounts, click on this link and more distribution input lines will be presented
Save and Close This option will save your customer refund information and close the refund window
Save and Add New This option will save your refund and open a new customer refund input window
Save and Add New Vendor This option will save your refund and re-open the refund window with the same customer entered previously

After saving your customer refund, it will appear in your Receive & Pay Bills will as a payable. You must generate the refund check to be sent to your customer.

5.2.4. Create a Customer Refund
5.2. Receive and Pay Bills
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5.2.3. Receive Vendor Credits
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